As members of the US House of Representatives and US Senate take the road most traveled, a road paved of cowardice and poll taking, our fighting soldiers in Iraq are calling out to them.
A group of military personnel have started an online web-petition called an Appeal for Courage. The web-petition is simple in its message. This group of America’s finest is asking the US Congress fully support their mission in Iraq and halt any calls for retreat.
I suspect that this call to our representatives will be ignored. Some of our representatives would rather listen to the fringe elements of their party than those whose voices should be respected, our US Military. At the very least we owe those committed to our protection a chance to be heard.
In this web-petition we find the meaning of duty, honor and country. There is companion web-petition that can be signed by civilians, so I would encourage all to visit Appeal for Courage web page.
Jeff Chidester
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