Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How Is Jail Time A Building Block Of Healthcare Reform?

Three women are sitting in a jail cell wearing orange prison jumpsuits, waiting to appear before a judge. The women eventually enter into cell house banter which ultimately leads to a discussion as to the infraction that led to their incarnation.

The first woman tells a tale of shoplifting. The next woman shamefully confesses to driving drunk. The final woman reluctantly confesses to her crime. Is it murder? Nope. Perhaps embezzlement? Not quite. I know,……. espionage. No, the monstrous crime she committed ……not purchasing healthcare. The other two women say nothing at first, but then begin to laugh. Not buying insurance a crime….surely you jest!

I wish I was only joking, but aside from the many anti-liberty provisions and false assumptions made throughout both Senate and House bill, there are previsions (or better put, perversions) that punish those that would “opt-out,” choosing not to voluntarily participating in their own oppression:

If you chose not to purchase one of the “State approved” healthcare plans, you will be required to pay a fine equal to 2% of your income.

Willful failure to pay the fine is punishable by up to a $25,000.00 fine, and up to one-year in jail.

Willful evasion to obtain healthcare or avoid paying the fine is punishable by up to $250,000.00, and up to five-year s in jail.

Where is the choice the Democrats pledged would be part of any healthcare reform? If a person takes steps to provide for their own healthcare needs, which happens to fall outside of the government controlled system, they will be labeled as criminals, and subject to the full weight of the federal government. With this bill, the federal government is outlawing self-reliance, herding us into a “death march” that would eventually make all of us wards of “the State.” Reform yes, but slavery, no.

Make no mistake about it. This healthcare reform “debate” is about control, and the very essence of this bill will affect our liberty, as well as the freedom of all future generations. The fact that this debate has been side-tracked by abortion funding is just a side-show to avoid a discussion regarding the real tyranny of this legislation. The issue we are facing once again from these agents of subjugation is “Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capitol can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. “

If you are hungry, I will lend you a hand. If you need shelter, let‘s work together to help you. If you need aid and comfort, I will help. But do not ask me to steal from another man in the form of counterfeit compassion, whether that theft is in the form of money or the chipping away of individual liberty. I will not do that, and I will resist with every fiber of my being.

In an effort to fix a leaky faucet, the Democratic Party would have us tear down the entire house. Let us remember that “progressive” in itself is not an indication of morality, compassion, or intellect. Progress merely means that an individual or group strives to advance their cause, and contrary to those who think progress can only be defined as improvement, I suggest they stand on a mountain as an avalanche comes crashing down and bear witness to the destructive nature of progress without thought or reason. Like an avalanche, this attempt at healthcare reform is nothing more than an attempt by progressives to do something, no matter how destructive the end result that “something” is.

I cannot tell you how many times I have heard Democrats yell - "It is a crime that people do not have healthcare." With the pending passage of the Democratic healthcare reform, the Democrats will make it official.

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