Tuesday, August 4, 2009

How Can You Tell Obama Is Lying…..His Lips Are Moving

There are things that you can always count on in life, and one such thing is that Democrats will always raise your taxes, because they cannot control their need to spend your money.

Obama will raise our taxes not because of what happen under the Bush administration. No, Obama will raise our taxes because of the reckless spending his party has committed over these past few months. President Obama will go back on his pledge (for my liberal friends, that means a guarantee, oath, word of honor), vowing not to raise taxes on those making less than $250,000.00 (although that number kept creeping down as the campaign progressed).

From a speech in Dover, NH, September of 2008 (go to 1:21 – “I can make a pledge, no family making less than $250,000.00 will see ANY form of tax increase….NOT ANY OF YOUR TAXES!

………NOT ONE SINGLE DIME. Not one of New Hampshire’s proudest moments. I love the wit….cracks me up.

What the speech told us then, and tells us now, is how naïve (or stupid, your choice) Obama's economic plan is.

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