Obama’s team is always thinking about the next photo-op, and his upcoming trip to Europe is no exception. In an effort to hearken back to the great speeches made by President Reagan (President Reagan: Tear Down this Wall) and John F. Kennedy during their visits to Germany, Obama has asked permission to give a speech in front of the Brandenburg Gate:
Merkel uneasy over Obama Brandenburg Gate address
Merkel is right. When President Reagan appeared before the gate, he gave a speech based on integrity. And when President Reagan uttered the words “tear down this wall (against the advice of his staff),” he meant it. The Democrats have a short memory regarding Reagan’s Brandenburg speech, because many of them criticized Reagan for his “tough tone,” referring to him as a “Cowboy.” Now, along comes the polar opposite of President Reagan, Obama, hoping to capitalize on a speech he most likely condemned while a student at Columbia.
Obama only needs to show up in Europe to receive an enthusiastic reception. Socialist can smell a fellow Socialist from across the ocean. In the crowd will be the usually Leftist holding their signs referring to President Bush as “Hitler,” and Obama will stand there smiling. Obama will explain how America under George Bush has failed the Europeans, and that when he is elected, Europeans will be equal partners with America. In doing so, Obama will ignore the fact that most European nations have been complaisant regarding the War on Terror, and that we are truly the only Super Power in the World at this point, something that infuriates the Europeans too no end.
Of course Obama is no President Reagan or Kennedy, but Obama will use “just words” to wow his audience. Expect to hear quotes from Reagan and JFK, to the thunderous applause of a pack audience of Progressive Europeans. And in the end, the Europeans will know no more about Senator Obama’s policies than we do.
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