Thursday, December 27, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Saturday, December 8, 2007
News for Dogs: Iran, Chavez, and Crazy Canucks

Much has been made about whether Iran is indeed trying to develop a nuclear weapons program. The issue was re-energized this week with the release of the NIE (National Intelligence Estimate) Report. The key to the report is to look at the last word in its title, “Estimate.” Estimate, meaning……..to guess.
Far be it for me to question the minds of our intelligence community. No, instead I question the interpretation of the report within the media, from around the world. One Australian news report, while referring to President Bush as a gunslinger, seems to call into question the whole bumbling US Intelligence Community:
And what about some of our European allies? France and Germany both have their own formable intelligence agencies, yet they jointly believe that there is more than meets the eye regarding Iran’s nuclear ambitions:
Iran Still Dangerous: Germany and France
Former-Ambassador Bolton wrote an excellent piece about the timing and possible political influences regarding the report:
Intelligence: There Are No Absolutes
Of course, many in the media will isolate Mr. Bolton’s comments as the ramblings of an insane, political hack. Which is unfortunate, because Mr. Bolton truly does have a keen insight into this region, which too many choose to ignore because they do not agree with Mr. Bolton politically.
The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs provided another perceptive on the matter. What seems to be lost in all of this is Iran’s perceived capabilities and their well-documented desires and intents:
Jewish Intelligence: Capabilities vs. Intent
Nowhere in the NIE Report does it state that Iran can be trusted and wouldn’t continue to be a menace to the world. And lets remember, in 1946 the intelligence agencies throughout the free world stated that Russians were at least a decade away from obtaining a nuclear bomb. In August of 1949, their guess was proven wrong.
Chavez: You Have Not Heard the Last of Me!
Another one of the world’s favorite bad men, Hugo “Don’t Call Me Nuts” Chavez seems to be all over the place. First he stated that if the people of Venezuela did not accept the referendum that would allow him to stay in power beyond the constitutional limits, he would take it out against America (?).
Then, after he lost, he said he was not happy but that he would abide by the will of the people. However, he change his tune later in the week by proclaiming that he would seek other measures to change the constitution:
Chavez is Just Getting Started
I wonder if Chavez will enlist the help of his Hollywood “power nut” friends Sean Penn, Danny Glover, Kevin Spacey, and “genius” supermodel Naomi Campbell to do public services announces:
“Hi, this is Sean Penn, brilliant actor, malcontent and slayer of the paparazzi. I am asking you today to surrender your freedoms, and hand over the future of your country to the Sainted protector against the evil Satan (George Bush), the most beloved El Presidente, Hugo “Boss” Chavez. Mind you, I would never let this happen in America (unless the President was a Democrat, Socialist-Progressive, or Communist), but hey, we are for more sophisticated, and frankly more capable, then your peasants to decide the destiny of our country. Grazias and ¡Paddington Libre!”
Canadian Market Strategy – Lets Belittle America:
In an effort to keep the almighty “loony” North of the Border, a recent Canadian ad campaign used marketing slogans such as:
"Why risk it in a crazy foreign country?"
"If you're going to downtown Detroit and you speak English ... good luck." (No racism there!)
I have some additional slogans the Canadians might want to try to lure Americans to Canada:
“Canada, there is more to us than just beer drinking hockey players, hey.”
“Shop Tim Hortons, we are just like Duncan Donuts, but we know how to brew “good” coffee!
“Come to Montreal, we’re just as rude as the French, only closer!”
Canada, no offense taken and “Joyeux Noël et acclamations.”
Paddington the Bear: Illegal Immigrant

Who knew that the beloved storybook bear Paddington was about to be caught up in the world of international intrigue? Michael Bond, the writer who invented Paddington, is planning to write a new book to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Paddington. And the storyline you may ask….Paddington’s immigration status!
Wanted Dead or in Handcuffs: Paddington the Bear
You see, Paddington is in fact from Peru, who snuck into the United Kingdom by stowing away on a freighter. The story will include Paddington being interviewed by the police to determine if the furry little felony should in fact remain in England.
But why stop there? I think we can tie in the Paddington plot into the upcoming season of 24. Who wouldn’t want to see Jack Bauer interrogating the beloved, raincoat wearing, rubber booted bear? Better yet, we can expand the story to include the band of characters from that hotbed of controversy, the 100 Acres Woods. I have always had my doubts about Eeyore! This whole issues has got me thinking……does anyone really know the immigration status of Curious George?
I want to wish Paddington the best of luck. Paddington will have his hands full, and for his sake I hope Mr. Bond provides him with a good lawyer.
¡Paddington Libre!