Thursday, December 27, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Saturday, December 8, 2007
News for Dogs: Iran, Chavez, and Crazy Canucks

Much has been made about whether Iran is indeed trying to develop a nuclear weapons program. The issue was re-energized this week with the release of the NIE (National Intelligence Estimate) Report. The key to the report is to look at the last word in its title, “Estimate.” Estimate, meaning……..to guess.
Far be it for me to question the minds of our intelligence community. No, instead I question the interpretation of the report within the media, from around the world. One Australian news report, while referring to President Bush as a gunslinger, seems to call into question the whole bumbling US Intelligence Community:
And what about some of our European allies? France and Germany both have their own formable intelligence agencies, yet they jointly believe that there is more than meets the eye regarding Iran’s nuclear ambitions:
Iran Still Dangerous: Germany and France
Former-Ambassador Bolton wrote an excellent piece about the timing and possible political influences regarding the report:
Intelligence: There Are No Absolutes
Of course, many in the media will isolate Mr. Bolton’s comments as the ramblings of an insane, political hack. Which is unfortunate, because Mr. Bolton truly does have a keen insight into this region, which too many choose to ignore because they do not agree with Mr. Bolton politically.
The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs provided another perceptive on the matter. What seems to be lost in all of this is Iran’s perceived capabilities and their well-documented desires and intents:
Jewish Intelligence: Capabilities vs. Intent
Nowhere in the NIE Report does it state that Iran can be trusted and wouldn’t continue to be a menace to the world. And lets remember, in 1946 the intelligence agencies throughout the free world stated that Russians were at least a decade away from obtaining a nuclear bomb. In August of 1949, their guess was proven wrong.
Chavez: You Have Not Heard the Last of Me!
Another one of the world’s favorite bad men, Hugo “Don’t Call Me Nuts” Chavez seems to be all over the place. First he stated that if the people of Venezuela did not accept the referendum that would allow him to stay in power beyond the constitutional limits, he would take it out against America (?).
Then, after he lost, he said he was not happy but that he would abide by the will of the people. However, he change his tune later in the week by proclaiming that he would seek other measures to change the constitution:
Chavez is Just Getting Started
I wonder if Chavez will enlist the help of his Hollywood “power nut” friends Sean Penn, Danny Glover, Kevin Spacey, and “genius” supermodel Naomi Campbell to do public services announces:
“Hi, this is Sean Penn, brilliant actor, malcontent and slayer of the paparazzi. I am asking you today to surrender your freedoms, and hand over the future of your country to the Sainted protector against the evil Satan (George Bush), the most beloved El Presidente, Hugo “Boss” Chavez. Mind you, I would never let this happen in America (unless the President was a Democrat, Socialist-Progressive, or Communist), but hey, we are for more sophisticated, and frankly more capable, then your peasants to decide the destiny of our country. Grazias and ¡Paddington Libre!”
Canadian Market Strategy – Lets Belittle America:
In an effort to keep the almighty “loony” North of the Border, a recent Canadian ad campaign used marketing slogans such as:
"Why risk it in a crazy foreign country?"
"If you're going to downtown Detroit and you speak English ... good luck." (No racism there!)
I have some additional slogans the Canadians might want to try to lure Americans to Canada:
“Canada, there is more to us than just beer drinking hockey players, hey.”
“Shop Tim Hortons, we are just like Duncan Donuts, but we know how to brew “good” coffee!
“Come to Montreal, we’re just as rude as the French, only closer!”
Canada, no offense taken and “Joyeux Noël et acclamations.”
Paddington the Bear: Illegal Immigrant

Who knew that the beloved storybook bear Paddington was about to be caught up in the world of international intrigue? Michael Bond, the writer who invented Paddington, is planning to write a new book to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Paddington. And the storyline you may ask….Paddington’s immigration status!
Wanted Dead or in Handcuffs: Paddington the Bear
You see, Paddington is in fact from Peru, who snuck into the United Kingdom by stowing away on a freighter. The story will include Paddington being interviewed by the police to determine if the furry little felony should in fact remain in England.
But why stop there? I think we can tie in the Paddington plot into the upcoming season of 24. Who wouldn’t want to see Jack Bauer interrogating the beloved, raincoat wearing, rubber booted bear? Better yet, we can expand the story to include the band of characters from that hotbed of controversy, the 100 Acres Woods. I have always had my doubts about Eeyore! This whole issues has got me thinking……does anyone really know the immigration status of Curious George?
I want to wish Paddington the best of luck. Paddington will have his hands full, and for his sake I hope Mr. Bond provides him with a good lawyer.
¡Paddington Libre!
Friday, December 7, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
A Teddy Bear Jihad!

Muhammad the Pooh

"No tolerance: Execution," and "Kill her, kill her by firing squad." – Chants heard by protesters outside Gibbon’s prison cell.
"Imprisoning this lady does not satisfy the thirst of Muslims in Sudan. "This an arrogant woman who came to our country, cashing her salary in dollars, teaching our children hatred of our Prophet Muhammad," But we welcome imprisonment and expulsion." the cleric, Abdul-Jalil Nazeer al-Karouri told worshippers.
Ms. Gibbon’s was sentenced to 15 days in prison, and upon her release, deportation (which I am sure she will welcome). But Ms. Gibbons is not the only victim in this travesty. The students are losing a dedicated, caring teacher, as well as learning an important lesson about their religion. That lesson is that there are some Muslims who have perverted the Islamic religion so much that a person could face harsh punishment, or even death, for naming a teddy bear Muhammad. How the students choose to use this lesson rest with them.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
The Big Red Machine Attacks Hillary
Shame on CNN (Again)!

What happen at the Republican Debate on 11/28/2007, is just another example of the bias, intentional or otherwise, demonstrated by the media.
During the debate citizens were allowed to submit their questions, via “Youtube,” to the presidential candidates. CNN decided which questions would be asked. One such person, Retired General Kerr, asked about Gays in the military. General Kerr had every right, based on the debate format, to ask the question. However, there are several issues of concern:
General Kerr was in attendance at the debate, as a guest of CNN. General Kerr was allowed to express his displeasure, in person, to the answer provided. This broke with the agreed upon format of the debate:
General Kerr is an active supporter of Hillary Clinton (
It is inexcusable that CNN did not do a simple check on General Kerr, considering the importance they attached to his question (which was evident by inviting Mr. Kerr to the debate and allowing him an opportunity provide follow-up remarks to the answers provided).
But guess what, General Kerr was not the only “plant” that participated in the debate:”
Youtube Questioners Identified as Decided
From the start, with the stupid “Youtube” GOP song video, followed by the planted questions from Democratic supports, and then ending by allowing General Kerr an active part in the debate, CNN and Youtube shamed themselves and this debate only served to confirmed CNN's anti-Republican agenda.
We should remember that all the Democratic Presidential candidates refused to attend the Fox News Debate, believing Fox would be biased against them, which is absolute rubbish. Fox News would have never allowed what we have seen from the CNN debates to occur. But knowing CNN/Youtubes obvious biases, the Republicans showed up anyway. Something all Americans should remember.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
“Mmmmmm……..Fire Bad!”

San Francisco, that oasis of lunacy and immorality, citing “air quality concerns,” has enacted a ban on certain fireplaces:
As First Reported
Recently a local resident, Jeffrey Earl Warren, had a few choice words to say about the ban:
An Opinion from the "Fringe"
One only needs to read the editorial page of the San Francisco Chronicle to see that Mr. Warren’s comments were not well received. Hell, even Vermont wouldn’t try and pull something like this…would they?
Monday, November 26, 2007
Hardly Undecided

As this video demonstrates, these audience members were active participants in the Democratic Party. Even more alarming was how far CNN went to filter questions that could be asked:
Diamonds, Pearls or Nuclear Waste
All of this came on the heels of the previously reported "planted question" directed at a Clinton event:
Integrity is not subjective. Unlike art, the truth should never be “in the eye of the beholder.” It is events like these that make the debates irrelevant, which is too bad. Debates should be an opportunity to find out what our next President is made of, but instead we are served up “Youtube” ready, canned answers; or worse, censored or planted questions. CNN should have never referred to any of these audience members as "Undecided," when many of them had clear affiliations with organizations, PAC's, or movements that have declared their support already for one of the candidates on the stage.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
News for Dogs: Icebergs, Conservatives, and Christmas Shopping for Zombies!

A New Direction for Australia:
Australians went to the polls and decided, for better or worse, that it is the people who have the power in a Democracy:
The political pendulum swings back and forth, usually moving to the extreme pull of one or two issues. Australians have been experiencing an unprecedented economy. But with prosperity comes an almost lackadaisical approach to social issues, usually believing they are unrelated to the economic success of a country. The Conservatives will return when the political pendulum swings back, but only if they remain true to their Conservative beliefs. But one thing is true, the world and Australia were a better place with a leader such as John Howard.
The Titanic II:
The folly of man is that we believe that with each advancement in technology, that nature grows weaker. Tell that to the 154 passengers of the cruise ship Explorer:
I am sure that it is only a matter of time before this is blamed on Global Warming.
Black Friday - Putting the "Ka - Ching" into Christmas:
Eerily reminiscent of the zombies in the movie “Dawn of the Dead,” shoppers waited in line all night seeking the “Holy Grail” of bargains. Granted that there were only a handful of the items people desired, but that did not deter most:
Black Friday has Nothing to do with a Plague
Imagine if this sort of effort was evident on Election Day. Maybe we should start offering greatly reduce electronics for everyone that cast a vote, or we could have the voting booths set up at Wal-Mart, Sears, K-Mart, or Kohl’s. Cast a ballot, get a GPS at 50% off.
Not to belabor the point, but it is important to remember that “Christ – mas” is more than just a time for us to max out our credit cards. It is a time to celebrate God’s greatest gift to man, his only son (John 3:16) - “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
Jeff Chidester
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
It seems that there is no holiday in America today that isn’t under attack. Thanksgiving is no exception, with Seattle schools taking politically correctness to new heights:
A "Politically Correct" Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is for all Americans to reflect on the many things we have to be thankful for, a great nation, our family and friends, and Gods blessings. One only needs to read Abraham Lincolns Proclamation of Thanksgiving to understand the true nature of the celebration:
Proclamation of Thanksgiving
Washington, D.C.
October 3, 1863
This is the proclamation which set the precedent for America's national day of Thanksgiving. During his administration, President Lincoln issued many orders like this. For example, on November 28, 1861, he ordered government departments closed for a local day of thanksgiving.
Sarah Josepha Hale, a prominent magazine editor, wrote a letter to Lincoln on 28, 1863, urging him to have the "day of our annual Thanksgiving made a National and fixed Union Festival." She wrote, "You may have observed that, for some years past, there has been an increasing interest felt in our land to have the Thanksgiving held on the same day, in all the States; it now needs National recognition and authoritive fixation, only, to become permanently, an American custom and institution." The document below sets apart the last Thursday of November "as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise."
According to an April 1, 1864, letter from John Nicolay, one of President Lincoln's secretaries, this document was written by Secretary of State William Seward, and the original was in his handwriting. On October 3, 1863, fellow Cabinet member Gideon Welles recorded in his diary that he complimented Seward on his work. A year later the manuscript was sold to benefit Union troops.
By the President of the United States of America.
A Proclamation.
The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature, that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever watchful providence of Almighty God. In the midst of a civil war of unequaled magnitude and severity, which has sometimes seemed to foreign States to invite and to provoke their aggression, peace has been preserved with all nations, order has been maintained, the laws have been respected and obeyed, and harmony has prevailed everywhere except in the theatre of military conflict; while that theatre has been greatly contracted by the advancing armies and navies of the Union. Needful diversions of wealth and of strength from the fields of peaceful industry to the national defence, have not arrested the plough, the shuttle or the ship; the axe has enlarged the borders of our settlements, and the mines, as well of iron and coal as of the precious metals, have yielded even more abundantly than heretofore. Population has steadily increased, notwithstanding the waste that has been made in the camp, the siege and the battle-field; and the country, rejoicing in the consiousness of augmented strength and vigor, is permitted to expect continuance of years with large increase of freedom. No human counsel hath devised nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things. They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy. It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and one voice by the whole American People. I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens. And I recommend to them that while offering up the ascriptions justly due to Him for such singular deliverances and blessings, they do also, with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience, commend to His tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners or sufferers in the lamentable civil strife in which we are unavoidably engaged, and fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand to heal the wounds of the nation and to restore it as soon as may be consistent with the Divine purposes to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquillity and Union.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States to be affixed.
Done at the City of Washington, this Third day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and of the Independence of the Unites States the Eighty-eighth.
By the President: Abraham Lincoln
William H. Seward,
Secretary of State
So to all of us, Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless America!
A Celebrity Interpretation of Thanksgiving:
Friday, November 16, 2007
24 - The Prequel
Friday, November 9, 2007
Veterans Day 2007

Like many of our holidays, Veterans Day will be celebrated on a Monday so that workers can enjoy a long weekend. Little time will be spent reflecting on the significance of Veterans Day, which is unfortunate. Americans can sometimes take for granted the freedom and prosperity we enjoy, which has been secured for us by those that served in the US Military.
In 1988, President Reagan gave a speech at the newly dedicated Vietnam War memorial (The Wall, which is celebrating its 25th Anniversary). To hear President Reagan speak, you realize the debt we owe all the brave men and women that served our country:
Veterans and their families have made tremendous sacrifices, and in return asked for very little. Somehow saying “thank-you” just does not seem to be enough, but you would be surprised. We can say thank-you by attending a local remembrance or parade. We can show our gratitude by making pledges to organizations that support Veterans. We can volunteer our time at local facilities primarily designed to lend a hand to those that have served. We can write our representatives to ensure funding of vital services that assist Veterans is maintain, and in some cases increased. There are numerous ways to say thank-you, but doing nothing at all is not one of the ways.
So on this Veterans Day take a moment to remember the sacrifices that our Veterans and their families have lived with – and may God bless them.
News for Dogs: Iraq is in a Shambles!

When the war was not going well, every major news outlet (such as the NY Times, NBC News, CBS News) made sure that America was “well informed.” But have you noticed the almost deafening silence coming from the Fourth Estate? Worse yet, these same outlets either bury the story deep into their coverage, or downplay the positive results:
The first story is compliments of the NY Times:

Mesopotamia is not a bar drink
The interesting part about this story was the use of Iran’s old kingdom name, Mesopotamia, which is something the NY Times does quite often. Our US Military is doing an incredible job, as part of this story demonstrates, and somehow the NY Times just cannot state the success is occurring in IRAQ.
Up next are two stories about the resolve of the Iraqis:
More Iraqis Returning to Iraq

Even with some negative tinges in the story, it demonstrates that Iraqis are trying to work together, and with the US Military, to build a new Iraq. In fact, in another under reported story, Iraqis held a parade last week to call for national unity:
Iraqis March for Unity
This following piece demonstrates once again the huge hearts that our American soldiers posses, and the commitment to compassion they have for the Iraq people.
"Helping Those in Need"

One of the heroes of this story, Soham Hassan Ka-Naan, is also an innocent victim targeted by a ruthless enemy. The other heroes are those members of the US Military who helped her. In the words of Khalid Hassan Ka-Naan (Soham’s brother) …”God Bless the US Soldiers!”
Our last story is not positive, but a reminder of why we must remain vigilante.
WMD are real
Our enemy is determined and willing to do anything to achieve their fanatical vision. We would be wise to remember that.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Democracy Is Ours To Preserve

Granted this was not a Presidential year, or even a Gubernatorial election. No one was running for Federal or State office, nor was there any State referendum on the ballot. This election was only about electing my City Council, School Board, and Police Commission. These are the very same people that will decide the vision for my city. I was only casting a vote for the representatives that control my schools, my police and fire departments, and are task with the safeguarding my community standards. How important is that stuff anyway (note the tone of sarcasm)?
It is not like we do much better during our presidential elections. Mind you, in the same week when thousands were protesting in support of Democracy in Pakistan, many Americans “just didn’t have the time” to vote. What must the rest of the world, many without the simple right to freely elect their representatives, think of us?
Like a playground teeter-totter, our political process moves us up and down with each bounce of an election. Bouncing up and down on that teeter-tooter is fun at first, and then it gets a little boring. This boredom is usually relieved when one of the bouncers decides to jump off, typically when the other bouncer is up in the air. One bouncer is laughing while the other is rubbing their butt from the fall. Many Americans have jumped off the teeter-totter known as Democracy, while many more are rubbing their butts.
We all have an issue we are passionate about, but all too often we surrender our power to others. Don’t wait until the fringe of each party has selected the candidates before you decide to get involve. It should not matter that we are casting a ballot for President, Governor, Mayor or Dog Catcher. In 2004 there were over 215, 000,000 eligible voters (Remember, America’s population is around 300,000,000). 56% of the eligible voter’s cast a ballot (122,000,000). Of those 122,000,000, George Bush won roughly around 56 % of vote (62, 000,000). 16 (that’s right…sixteen!) other candidates received another 1.5 million votes. So in the end 20% of Americans decide for the rest. Makes you wonder what our country would look like if all 215,000.000 eligible voters showed up on Election Day. Imagine still if 215,000,000 participated in the Primary process.
What excuse do you use not to vote:
- I don’t like either candidate (out of sixteen candidates, you didn’t believe in at least ONE!)
- I am disgusted with both parties (once again, what about the other sixteen candidates).
- I am too busy (more busy than a solider in Iraq?). Yet, somehow more people found time to vote for the next American Idol than cast a ballot in the 2006 elections.
- I don’t know where the candidates stand (but you can tell me who did what on Desperate Housewives, how your fantasy football team is doing, or which spoiled teen drama queen is in trouble).
American’s hold the power for change, yet too many Americans have chosen to walk away from the very act that millions have sacrificed to preserve. The famous quote “the pen is mightier than the sword” could easily be change to “the vote is mightier than gun.” Over 80% of the citizens of Iraq showed up and voted. Do the Iraq’s know something we have forgotten? To quote Vice-President Cheney - ""It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you."
Apathy and complaisance have made us a lazy country; to lazy to participate in the survival of our own Republic. We are a government “of the people, and for the people.” Your representatives work for YOU! I know it is kind of cliché, but you pay their salary, so why wouldn’t you have the right to demand a satisfactory level of service.
Like that schoolyard teeter-totter, participating in the experiment we call the Republic of the United States is not always exciting. But if you jump off, the only one left to decide is the one with the sore butt. The only one left is the voter who:
- Cast their ballot in anger, not in reason.
- Pulls the lever based on the propaganda that has been spoon-fed to them, instead of with the respect of those who have sacrificed to make this country great.
- Votes the straight party ticket, when they should be voting on the individual merits of each candidate.
- Thinks of themselves instead of America.
- Believes that America is a pure democracy where the majority rules, instead of a Republic governed by the rule of just laws.
America is “the people’s child.” Conceived in liberty and born of sacrifice. We, you and I, are now the parents of the United States of America. And like a parent, it is our obligation to look after our child so that it can continue to grow and thrive. When American’s opt not to vote, they freely relinquish their power to others. It is important to remember that in order to make democracy work you must be an active participant, not simply an observer. And honestly, in the end, those who choose not to vote have no right to complain.
Where have all the voters gone?Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Newsflash: George Bush’s and Global Warming are to Blame for the Wildfires in California!

Senator Barbara Boxer somehow feels the fires are President Bush’s fault, while at the same time taking another swipe at the Iraq War. Boxer claimed that Iraq War was responsible for diverting the National Guard that could have been used to fight the fires:
Like a Parrot: "Bush is to Blame, Bush is to Blame, Bush is to Blame..."
Not to be outdone, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid blamed Global Warming (which we also know is President Bush’s fault as well) for the fires:
First Polar Bears, Now Malibu
Makes you wonder how Vice-President Cheney, Big Oil, Wal-Mart or Rush Limbaugh escaped blame for starting the fires.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
News for Dogs: Week of October 21, 2007
Soldiers Wall of Shame

The complaint alleged that the pictures were “pro-war,” and should be removed. Paso Robles Postmaster Mike Milby and his staff were ordered to remove the display because it “violated a regulation against displays of nonpostal business material at any U.S. Post Office.”
“It’s an emotional issue, and people look at their post office as a hub of the community, but the post office is there to do postal business and it’s not a place to post things or make displays,” said postal spokesman Richard Maher.
“What happen to the pictures? Why were they taken down?” asked Shelley Reeger, (a military wife), who was just one of many who were upset Friday morning when they learned that the pictures had been taken down. “We just cannot put those photos back up, they should not have been up there to begin with,” stated United States Postal Service spokesperson Richard Maher.
The employees at the Paso Robles Post Office could find themselves in more trouble for first refusing to take the pictures down (good for them!), then placing signs at the counter stating they had been “forced” to take down the pictures.
Paso Robles Mayor, Frank Mecham, expressed disappointed over the incident, and made a request to their Congressman to look into the matter.
Commonsense was thrown right-out the window on this one. What is most frustrating though was that the voice of one, small-minded individual, how obviously harbors strong anti-military hostilities, failed to look upon the pictures and see his/her neighbors. Instead, this sad nameless person looked past the eyes of these brave soldiers to see only contempt.
What’s New Pussycat!

Socks The Wonder Cat
Socks, who was somehow credited with presenting Mrs. Clinton in a “warmer-light (?),” was banished from the White House with the arrival of First Dog Buddy (may he rest in peace). Socks disliked Buddy from the beginning, “hissing and attacking” Buddy each time they came in contact with each other.
From The Atlantic (article):
Some feel that Clinton’s treatment of Socks cuts to the heart of the questions about her candidacy. Is she too cold and calculating to win the presidency? Or does it signify political invincibility by showing she is willing to deploy every weapon to get what she wants?
“In the annals of human evil, off-loading a pet is nowhere near the top of the list,” writes Caitlin Flanagan in the current issue of The Atlantic magazine. “But neither is it dead last, and it is especially galling when said pet has been deployed for years as an all-purpose character reference.”
I am not sure how this story will play out, but I am confident that the Clinton campaign will produce a press release blaming the disappearance of “Socks” on some “right-wing conspiracy.”
“In (fill-in the blank) We Trust”
I end this week’s highlights with two stories about God, or should I say without God:
The Disney Corporation believes that they are so powerful that the can make a cartoon called “The Ten Commandments” without using the name God in its advertising:
(un) Smart Marketing

It is not as if Disney needs any more bad press. Early this year Hamas used Mickey Mouse to indoctrinate future suicide bombers. Minnie Mouse was there as well, but she was wearing a burka and instructed to remain silent. The Mickey Mouse video was the first of many videos Hamas plans to produce that will feature Disney characters. Up next will be a video featuring Goofy and Donald Duck playing the roles of President Bush and Vice-President Cheney:
Now I am not in marketing, but I would think that some smart executive at Disney would have realized that by eliminating the name God the company would be disenfranchise the target audience for such a movie.
The other story comes compliments of the Office of the U.S. Capital Architect:

When Andrew received the flag and certificate the name “God” was missing. Andrew, who had paid a fee of $9.00 for the flag and certificate, was informed that it was against the policy of the Office of Capital Architect (AoC) to include religious expressions on the certificates.
What is the problem?
Now to be fair, Mr. Ayers is not the bad guy here. This policy was in place before Mr. Ayer’s took over, but apparently never enforced. In a statement Ayers admitted that "It is inappropriate and beyond the scope of this agency’s responsibilities to censor messages from members". Ayers also said that after reviewing the rules, he concluded that they were inconsistently applied and should be changed.
However, every story of “right and wrong” must have a villain, and this story is no exception. None other than the Speaker of the House, the Honorable Nancy Pelosi defended the decision to remove “God” from the certificate, and originally had no plans to change the rules.
House Minority Leader John Boehner, speaking on the behalf of his fellow Republicans and thousands of angry Americans, strongly disagreed with Representative Pelosi:
"This practice, which overturns a longstanding and long cherished congressional tradition, has rightly drawn outrage from the American people, who have grown weary of endless attempts by politicians and bureaucrats to bar the word God and even the most tacit references to faith from our public institutions."
The pressure was too much for Mrs. Pelosi, who suddenly had a change of heart, and later stated that the AoC should not be in the position of censoring House member’s request. Just another example of Mrs. Pelosi’s “bold and decisive (or should I say divisive) leadership.”
This is a First Amendment issue (“Congress Shall Pass NO Law….”) and the policy should not only have be changed, it should have never been written. Since Mrs. Pelosi has more pressing matters (like trying to improve their 11% approval rating), Mr. Larochelle’s Representative, Michael Tuner, R-Ohio, last week introduced House Resolution (H.R). 3779, to amend the policy.
This story does have a happy ending. Mr. Ayers had a new certificate sent to Larochelle that include the name GOD, and with the approval of Congress amended the policy. To think it took an Eagle Scout to provide a civics lessons to some members of Congress. Great Job Andrew Larochelle.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
The (dis) Honorable Representaive Pete Stark

"You're going to spend it to blow up innocent people if we can get enough kids to grow old enough for you to send to Iraq to get their heads blown off for the president's amusement," Stark told Republicans on the floor of the House.
The comments where so outrageous that even House Speaker Nancy Pelosi expressed criticism:
"While members of Congress are passionate about their views, what Congressman Stark said during the debate was inappropriate and distracted from the seriousness of the subject at hand - providing health care for America's children," Pelosi, D-San Francisco, said.
No Democrat has made a public request asking Rep. Stark to apologize for his comments. The news media barely touched the story, and the Internet is filled with Liberal Bloggers who support Stark’s comments and accuse Republicans of being crybabies. Keith Olbermann found Stark’s comments “refreshing,” and a CNN poll found that 88% of their audience does not feel that Stark should apologize (big surprise!)
I understand passion and “getting lost in the moment,” but to suggest that President Bush finds any amusement in what is happening in Iraq and Afghanistan is pathetic and mean spirited. I wish that Rep. Stark had only shown this type of passion when terrorist were chopping the heads off of civilians and filming for the amusement of the fellow “freedom fighters,” because they are the real enemy, not President Bush.
Rep. Stark’s is just another example that its is the hardcore, Left-wing elements of the Democratic Party who are truly the hate-mongers and practitioners of divisive politics. Is it any wonder the current US Congress has record low approval ratings.
Rep. Stark’s Statements on the House Floor:
Rep. Stark’s Previous Tirades:
If you feel that Rep. Stark’s comments were unprofessional and require a public apologize, one that should be made on the floor of the Congress, write him and your representative expressing your disapproval:
UPDATE 10-24-07:
Representative Stark apologized (sort of) for his remarks. Like most apologized offered by politicians it included a “however,” which makes the apology disingenuous.
"I AM SORRY, BUT......."
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Putin on the Ritz

Putin to the USA: Back Off!
The gathering started off with a “hug fest” between Putin and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, of Iran. America was hoping that Putin could talk some sense into Ahmadinejad regarding his nuclear program and Iran’s continued aggression in the area. Instead we witnessed the dictator’s edition of “Dancing with the Stars” .
President Putin assured Iran that he would not support any military action against his “newest, best friend,” by encouraging the other nations in attendance to sign a non-aggression treaty:
"It is important that we do not even think about the possibility of using force," Mr. Putin told the summit before signing a non-aggression declaration, which was also backed by Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.
It just goes to show that “you can take the boy out of the KGB, but you can’t take the KGB out of the boy.” Putin is a die hard loyalist, devoted to the restoration of the USSR, not as a democracy, but to its former glory as a totalitarian state. The difference this time is that Russia, like China, will use capitalist principals to their advantage. The Russian people will enjoy the trappings of a strong, somewhat open economy, without all the hassles of individual rights and freedoms.
Putin: From Friend to Tyrant
Queue the music, because the Evil Empire (and I don’t mean the NY Yankees) has returned. That is not to say that it ever went away. Russia struggled to “find its identity” after the fall of communism (thank-you President Reagan, Prime Minister Thatcher, Pope John Paul, the Polish People, and the US Military). Putin took the reins a decade later when the former Russian Navy was rusting away in Baltic ports, gangsters pushing drugs and prostitution controlled Moscow, and many Russians were unemployed. Putin used Russia's vast natural resources to build an economy never before seen in Russia, and used his KGB experience to attack the criminals, and occasionally rounding up a few dissents along the way.
Does all of this sound familiar? It should, because except for the names, it is analogous of the factors that led to the rise of the Third Reich:
Lose of National Pride. A once mighty nation reduced to being the laughing stock of the World. Especially by the “holier than thou” Western Nations,” who couldn’t help but gloat.
High Unemployment/Poor Economy. Unhappy people, who are not working, aren’t making money. People not making money can’t pay taxes. Without taxes the infrastructure of a country collapses, governments lose strength. A weak government can’t help their people, further making them unhappy.
Crime and Moral Decay. Crime feeds into National Pride. Great ballet companies and gold medal Olympians were replaced by crime lords, prostitutes and drug addicts.
A strong leader can use all these factors to their advantage, and that is exactly what Hitler did, and that is what we are now witnessing from Putin. I am not saying that Putin is the next Hitler. I am saying that Putin is using many of the same methods Hitler used to restore National Pride, all the while consolidating power.
Putin once lived in a Russia that was a superpower, a country that did not have to answer to anyone, even America. This type of demises is not easy to swallow, and tends to stick in your throat for a long time. Putin is using time tested methods, as well as new found wealth to re-establish the glory of the USSR:
Russia: A New Found Strength
Putin’s smile and charm are a masquerade being used to hide the true intent of an ardent nationalist. Putin is trying to seduce everyone (not just America and Iran), in the hopes that we remain asleep at the wheel, only to suddenly wake up to a Russia reminiscent of the land of Stalin, Khrushchev, and Brezhnev. But what else would you expect from a person who reportedly stole the 2005 New England Patriots Superbowl Championship Ring (Oh, So Shiny) from the finger of their owner, Bob Kraft.
The return of Russia to Superpower status, where both the USA and Russia could also be joined by China (and possibly India), is looming in the not so distance future. A strong United States has always been in the best interest of the world, but the arrival of “oppressive” nations (this would exclude India) to Superpower status would return us to the days of the Cold War. Only this time I wonder if the United States would have the resolve to win, let alone participate.
"Let us beware that while they [Soviet rulers] preach the supremacy of the state, declare its omnipotence over individual man, and predict its eventual domination over all the peoples of the earth, they are the focus of evil in the modern world.... I urge you to beware the temptation ..., to ignore the facts of history and the aggressive impulses of any evil empire, to simply call the arms race a giant misunderstanding and thereby remove yourself from the struggle between right and wrong, good and evil." - Ronald Reagan
Saturday, October 13, 2007
News for Dogs: Week of October 14, 2007

I Won’t Dance, You Can’t Make Me:
Up first is the story of a teacher who stood, or I should say refuse to stand, on her principals when she decided not to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Dianne Dunfry is a middle school teacher in Seabrook, NH, who filed a lawsuit in federal court stating that her “First Amendment Rights were violated.”. It is kind of ironic that such a story like this would happen in a State whose motto is “Live Free or Die.”
Several students joined Ms. Dunfry by declining to participate in the morning custom. Ms. Dunfry has never stated why, after a decade of performing the Pledge, she decided not to partake any further. Ms. Dunfry’s is not only alleging that her First Amendment Rights are being violated, but that parents, school board members, and school administrators have been retaliating against her for her refusal.
The schools position is that Ms. Dunfry has other discipline problems unrelated to her First Amendment lawsuit. The teachers union is supporting Ms. Dunfry it what should prove to be a no win scenario for anyone.
Ms. Dunfry joins a long list of public officials, usually teachers such as Brian Bown (How Many Teachers Does it Take to Prove Political Dissent), who refuse to participate in events such as the Pledge or a moment of silence. Teachers are public representatives that fall under the mandate of public policy. That does not mean that they surrender rights guaranteed by the Constitution, however State and city governments establish policies, which teachers agree to adhere to as a condition of their employment. Considering Ms. Dunfry freely participated for over 10 years, is validation that she understood her roles a teacher. I am surprised that as an American History teacher, Ms. Dunfry forgot the most important part of the First Amendment, which can be found in the first sentence - “Congress Shall Make No Law…” I might be wrong, but I do not believe that the school policies for the Seabrook Middle School are drafted, approved and mandated by the Congress of the United States.
We are Moveon.org, We Can Do Whatever the Hell We Want!
Senator Susan Collins, R-Maine, got a lesson in hypocrisy this week at the hands of the keepers of public virtue, no other than Moveon.org.
Senator Collins is a moderate Republican that is well respected in Washington and in her home State of Maine. Senator Collin’s campaign produced a video meant to distance herself from the recent “General Betray Us” ad created by Moveon.org. Senator Collins placed the ad on google.com, like every other politician in America has done. That ad was removed by google.com at the request of Moveon.org.
Moveon.org cited “copyright” violations because Moveon.org is trademarked, and Senator Collins campaign violated a google.com policy on trademark materials. Have you look at the material that Moveon.org has produced against politicians, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and numerous others. Each of these have copyrighted/trademark their materials, yet Moveon.org has taken the position that since they are “public figures,” than they are not protected. Yet why does that argument not apply to a Moveon.org, a “public pundit,” that has a huge public footprint?
Hey Moveon.org, “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!”
Dust of the Mantle, And Move the Oscar Over:
Your 2007 Noble Peace Prize Winner is……….Albert Arnold Gore!
Like the Oscar Mr. Gore won earlier this year, the Nobel Prize means very little to anyone other that Mr. Gore’s supporters. The Nobel Prize long ago, like the Oscar, lost any merit when it became clear that it was nothing more than a “popularity contest.” Very seldom do the truly deserving ever get nominated, let alone win.
What was interesting about this story is that it happen on the same day that an English Court ruled against the movie “An Inconvenient Truth,” the same movie Mr. Gore won both the Oscar and the Nobel Prize for:
School administrators wanted to show “The Inconvenient Truth,” uncontested in public schools. The judge cited 9 distinct errors/misrepresentations that call into question the integrity of the movie.
Integrity matters very little to some people, as long as the "end justifies the means." The problem is the "means" is supported by propaganda that props up their issues, or attack their opponents.
Friday, October 12, 2007
The Politics of Genocide

All eight of the former US Secretary of State’s have come out in opposition this resolution. The State department, as an extension of the Bush administration, is also opposed to this resolution. A similar resolution was rejected by President Clinton during his term in office. The general consensus is that passing HR106 would strain our relationship with Turkey, a strong ally in Iraq. In fact as I was writing this piece the Turkish Ambassador to the United States was recalled. That may be so, but it shouldn’t stop us from doing the right thing.
Some would say that we should leave it to the historians to decide whether what happen in Armenian was a genocide. That is ludicrous! There sits a memorial on the site of the former Auschwitz Concentration Camp that simply states “Never Again.” The sign wasn’t placed there by historians, but by a world that made a promise to remain vigilant. Somehow we seem to have forgotten those words. Burundi (1972), Cambodia (1975 – 1979), Bosnia (1992 -1995), Rwanda (1994) Sudan (2000 – 2002), and Darfur have all happen on our watch. How easy was it for us to forget two simple words? Unless we stop and think about what history teaches us, past mistakes are destined to be repeated. Recognizing all genocides, including what happen in Armenian, is the first step to preventing them.
21 Countries have already officially recognized the Armenian Genocide to include Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Greece, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, Vatican City. 40 of the 50 United States have passed resolutions recognizing the atrocities committed against the Armenian people. The United States, United Kingdom and the European Union have not official used the word “genocide,” but have acknowledged atrocities did occur.
The death toll and the methods used against the Armenian people are considered by many to be the first modern “genocide.” The Armenian genocide was the model studied by Hitler as he prepared for his campaign against the Jews and other “undesirables.” In fact, the lack of attention the world paid to the Armenian Genocide emboldened the Nazis. To call it anything else, or reject that the atrocities “rise to the level of a genocide,” is to rebuff history and devalue those that perished at the hands of evil.
In the end, House Resolution 106 lacks teeth because it is “non-binding,” a term suggesting a “lack of importance,” which many consider insulting to the Armenian people who suffered under the Ottoman Empire (who in 1915 was a Muslim nation that was governed by Sharia-based laws) and to their ancestors seeking affirmation. But it is a start.
As for Turkey, they should look to their hearts as a nation, and help begin the healing. The Armenian Genocide does not represent who Turkey is today as a country, nor more than slavery represent present-day America. There is no shame in admitting the failures of your past, either as a person or as a country. But pride can be found in our actions today to right the wrongs that clutter history, if to do nothing more than to say “Never Again!”
BBS – Betrayed