Thursday, February 28, 2008

More Impeachment Pie, Please!

It seems that the New Hampshire House of Representatives has nothing better to do than to act like our federal congress and pass non-binding resolutions.

House Resolution (HR) 24, which was introduced by Representative Betty Hill, calls for “Congress to commence impeachment procedures against President Bush and Vice President Cheney.”

State of New Hampshire: HR24 Text

I can see where HR24 is much more important the present budget crisis, the need for infrastructure improvements to our highways and bridges, or that little nuisance known as educational funding. Thank God for Rep. Hill for making sure we keep our priorities straight.

Since the election of 2006, when a shortsighted electorate voted many serious, committed legislators out, this is the kind of nonsense the Citizens of New Hampshire have been subject to. James Garfield once stated that - "All free governments are managed by the combined wisdom and folly of the people." HR24 falls into the folly category.

What’s in a Name?

Much has been made over the past few weeks regarding the use of Barrack Obama’s middle name. The first thing is that Mr. Obama should not be ashamed of his middle name. Secondly, the use of Obama’s middle name is merely childish and unnecessary, nothing more.

There is little doubt that there is a degree of malice intent by those who keep referring to Barrack by his full name. Like juvenile schoolboys, the perpetrators put on a devilish smile and chuckle as they repeat Obama’s middle name over and over. Then these same people fake indignation when they are confronted, the exact response they wanted from their audience. But let us not forget, both sides are equally as guilty of this kind foolishness.

Many of the people who have been associated with using Senator Obama’s middle name make their living as political pundits, such as Ann Coulter and Bill Cunningham. Very few serious politicians approve of the tactic. In fact, both Presidential hopeful John McCain and Tennessee Senator Lemar Alexander have spoken out against the need to use Obama’s middle name, to that I agree.

This election is more than about whether a candidate shares the same name as a tyrant, it is about who is the right person to lead this country. Focus on the issues, not the name calling. The country will be better served.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Passing of a True Conservative

The modern Conservative movement owes all of its strength to three main figures, Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan, and William F. Buckley. Barry Goldwater was our visionary, Ronald Reagan our conscientious, and William F. Buckley our voice.

Mr. Buckley pasted away at the age of 82, but his wit and intellect will never leave us. Mr. Buckley was able to offer his beliefs with charm and a scholarly tone that was the scourge of many liberals.

Whether it was his distinct voice and mannerisms that was seen for over thirty-years on the show “Firing Line,” or the more than forty books he authored, as well as his daily newspaper column “On the Right,” Mr. Buckley was the leading voice of the Conservative Movement, and he will be missed.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

What is Barrack Obama Saying?

As the primary elections continue, the momentum is clearing with Obama. Many are mesmerized by Obama’s charisma and ability to “unite” people with his words. Obama is an incredible speaker and knows how to work his audience. But so does a carnival barker, and like a carnival barker, it is a mystery what is behind the curtain. The thing to remember is that Obama already owns that audience. An overwhelming majority in attendance are already excited about the Obama candidacy. But that is true about any political rally, Republican, Democratic, or Fringe. So it is important to look beyond the delivery of the words and look instead to the candidates “To Do List”to back those words up.

Each of us progress through our workday with the assistance of a “To Do List.” This list prioritizes the task we need to complete in order to be successful. I happen to be one of those people that post his “To Do List” for everyone to see. Why? To declare my accountability. My “To Do List” is not a list of just words, but a detailed record of my progress to the commitments I have pledge to complete. Simply put, I am telling you what is important, why it is important, how I will successfully complete each task, and more importantly, when you can expect results. Should we expect any less from our next President or for that matter anyone who represents our interest?

Obama recently recycled a speech originally given by the embattled Governor of Massachusetts, Deval Patrick, in which the tag line was “Just Words.” Obama and Patrick borrowed famous lines from past speeches, such as “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what YOU can do for your country,” and followed the line with “Just Words.” It was an attempt on both their parts to try and convey the message that words have strength, and they do. Where they failed was not understanding that the strength of “just words” comes from the conviction of the context they were originally presented in. Rehashed the way Patrick and Obama are using them, they are "just words."

Obama message and “To Do List” lack's substance. Ask any Obama supporter to provide three major Obama accomplishments, and no I don't mean he was elected Senator, or wrote a book, I mean three accomplishments of leading. Next, ask that Obama supporter to articulate five policy plans Obama has formulated and shared. Obama is being vague on everything so he won't be held accountable when it “fails (the failure most likely the result of the vast right-wing conspiracy).

I sense that Obama believes in what he is saying, the problem is he not saying anything. His speeches are just rhetoric, empty commitments based on recycled tag lines from famous speeches of the past. America needs more than “just words.” Obama's deficiency in substance revels him to be a candidate that lacks the experience needed to move the words into actions.

I am afraid that American cannot survive another Jimmy Carter. Jimmy Carter set liberalism back 20 years (unfortunately not long enough) with his disastrous policies. I am concerned that America will not be able to recover from Obama's brand of Liberalism. Our economy is too fragile and our security as a nation is too much in jeopardy to allow an inexperienced, non-committal person (who happens to give a great speech), to serve as the next leader of the free world. The Presidency is bigger than any one person, and we have recovered in the past from our terrible choices of leaders. However, this is not the time or place to put our trust in a person promising us “change” and “hope.” These are just words used to placate the disgruntled electorate, formerly known as the Democratic Party.

We need more than “just words” from our next President, we need someone committed to the knowledge that America IS a great county. Not “was” a great country, notcould” be a great country again. If you enter the office of the President not believing that America is still that “shiny city upon a hill” then it is only a matter of time before the beacon that is America is extinguished forever.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Berkeley Petition: An Apology Is Owed

Move American Forward is pushing the Berkeley City Council to provide an apologize for the disrespectful actions taken against the US Military. Move America Forward is seeking your help to keep the heat on Berkeley until they issue a formerly apology:

Go to the more Move America Forward webpage and sign the petition and make a pledge to help to support this noble endeavor.

Ivy League, Killer Satellites, and Attack on Mac

Ivy League Populism:

Obama, Clinton, hell for that matter every Democrat, are telling us that the American Dream is dying, or is dead already. But where did it go, and who took it?

Victor Davis Hanson writes about the hypocrisy of the Left for living the American Dream, while scaring others into believing that the dream is going the way of the dodo. The Obama’s are sterling examples of the unlimited possibilities in America, yet they somehow want to deny America’s greatest:

Obama's and Clinton: We Got Ours, But You Don't Stand A Chance

The Democrats “haves and have nots" way of thinking, the strategy of pitting Americans against each other, will only lead to further divisiveness. Hardly a message of hope and change.

McCain: The Return of Yellow Journalism

The New York Times, the paper of record in America (their claim, not mine) has published one of the most poorly supported front-page allegations I have every read. It is not only yellow journalism at its worse, but the article wouldn’t even receive a passing grade in a Journalism 101 class.

I did not provide a link to the story because it’s not needed, the story is everywhere. If anyone doubts the integrity of the media, do a Google search on “McCain New York Times.” The lines have been drawn by the media, they quickly throughout Hillary with the bath water, Obama is their boy now. In a week where Michelle Obama’s un-American comments get little to no attention by the main media, a possible 10 year old, unsubstantiated rumor gets a front-page byline and 30 minutes on the morning “news” shows.

Way to go 4th Estate!

Navy Shoots Down Own Spy Satellite: Its George Bush’s Fault

Most of us woke up this morning to learn that the US Navy successfully shot down that spy satellite that was falling to Earth:

Direct hit, first shot, center mass into the fuel tank. What most of you didn’t hear was that this was all made possible because of the advance missile defense/shield technology that has flourished under the Bush administration. What you did read are headlines like these:

US Missile Hits “Toxic Satellite (BBC)”
Goodbye Spy Satellite, Does Anyone Know the Price Tag (Washington Post)
China and Russia Cry Foul (Times Online – UK)
Missile Strike on Satellite Seen as Ominous (Fort Worth Star) – I rather like this headline.

Trust me, if we had missed our target the news would have played up the millions of dollars that have been “wasted” on missile shield technology.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Should New Hampshire Decriminalize Marijuana?

This is the question currently making its way through the New Hampshire legislation. There are three approaches that those wishing to legalize marijuana take to win converts:

1- Sex in the City Vs. Cheech and Chong. Legalizing marijuana is often compared to the casual, but the legal use of alcohol in America. You hear the old standby that marijuana is no worse than Carrie's Cosmopolitan or a businessman’s martini.

2- The Dreaded “Permanent Record.” A misdemeanor record will stay with a person, there-by affecting their chances for employment, college scholarships, military service, and a potential run for the Presidency.

3- The War is Lost. The war on drugs is too costly, and if you haven't heard, we have already lost it.

None of these are valid reasons for legalizing marijuana. The motivations of those who are strongly supporting this measure are clear. They are illicit drugs users themselves, or know someone how is. We should no more listen to them as we would those who abuse alcohol wishing to help “shape” our DWI policies. But that doesn’t mean I am opposed to leaser penalties for the casual user. What I am opposed to is any law that takes a nonchalant approach to a habit that adversely affects so many people.

First off, New Hampshire is not considering “legalizing” pot; it is proposing, “decriminalizing” it. But decriminalization of any vice is the first step to completely abolishing the enforcement of the vice. I have read news reports that those found in possession of a small amount (1 oz or less) of marijuana will receive a fine ($200.00), but NO PERMANENT CRIMINAL RECORD, like a traffic ticket. You notice however that the State still gets “their money” in the form of fines. Minimum effort, maximum returns....that's the road to a sound drug enforcement policy.

It would be foolish to think that people caught with marijuana wouldn’t be tracked in the system. If you receive a speeding ticket, stop sign violation, or any other moving vehicle violation, the State of New Hampshire maintains at least a 7-year history of that record. Is anyone that naive to think the State wouldn’t do the same thing for marijuana possession? It is in our best interest to maintain records of those among us who participate in a habit that impairs their judgment, just as we do with alcohol offenses.

And what about our “private permanent records?” This law does nothing from stopping private companies, government agencies, insurance companies (watch your premiums go up), and the military from simply expanding their ability to finding out whether a person has been charged and convicted of a drug offense, regardless of how “small” we classify the offense. Wouldn't you want the operator of the local school bus company checking to see if one of their drivers is prone to a lifestyle, such as dope smoking, that would place your children in harms way?

Most companies have a screening process in place now to “weed out(pardon the pun)” the people they feel are not what they are looking for. Companies will simply expand their screening techniques so that preceptive hires have to divulge if they have ever been summoned for drug possession, and if that person is still maintaining a “casual” use of the product. I have been asked in the past on an employment application to detail my alcohol and drug consumption on a weekly basis, not an usually request considering the sensitivity of the job I was seeking. Is the public safety at large benefiting from the attempted hiding of ones drug use? No, only the individual law breakers benefits. I would remind you that it is not the law’s job to accommodate illegal behavior, it is meant to regulate those things that desecrate the fabric of our community.

Groups such as NORML, and others like it, love to try and convince us that we should be more like Europe, which they claim takes a much more “enlightened” approach to the illicit drug use, especially marijuana. Not according to the most recent report from the EMCDDA (European Monitoring Centre fro Drug Addiction). Illicit drug use is down due in large part because the source for marijuana has been reduced by over 40%. How is that possible? Because the good old USA is the number one producer of marijuana, and over the past few years strict eradication affords on the part of our government has lead to an overall decline of not only plant production, but use. A fact that ALL European Nations applaud. Why? The number one reason (but not the only reason) are the health risk associated with marijuana use.

The State of New Hampshire spent countless hours debating and finally approving a smoking ban in restaurants. This was an effort to help reduce the use of a product linked to numerous health issues. Why would we every want to support the increased use of a drug that is far worse. A recent New Zealand study found that smoking marijuana is leading to an “epidemic” of lung cancer (One Joint = 20 cigarettes). Distorted perceptions, loss of memory, increased heart rate (and increase chance for heart attack), and impaired immune systems have all been associated with a casual use of marijuana. A fact that NORML ignores, downplays or counters with bogus studies.

Decriminalizing marijuana will increase the casual use of the drug, there by increasing demand. Increased demand means that drug dealers (the pimps of the drug subculture) make more money. This will only serve to make the drug dealer richer, and like any good business person, they will want to expand their clientèle. Additionally, I have never met a drug dealer whose sole product was marijuana. They usually try to accommodate their customers and offer a fleet of products, such as Ecstasy, Cocaine, and occasionally Crack and Heroin (give the people what they want!).

As for the assertion that we should stop enforcing a sound drug policy because the “War on Drugs is lost;” it is nothing more than progressive propaganda. But lets just say we are losing (or have lost), and take the old “if you can't beat 'em, join 'em” mentality. Isn't time we as a society accepted our other “loses,” and stop wasting money at trying to win the war on poverty, hunger, racism, health care, or “insert your lost cause here?” Where do we draw the line between “throwing our hands up in the air,” and accepting our responsibilities as a State, and as a Nation, that was founded on the belief of laws, not to the will of anarchy. Are we in the future going to place a price tag on every crime and enforce only those that benefit our balance sheet at the end of the year. The Scales of Justice are not balanced based on economic principles, they represent the thin balance between justice and lawlessness!

We do the State of New Hampshire, especially the youth, a disservice when our main concern is making sure that they do not have “permanent records” for minor indiscretions, instead of making sure we create policies that ensures their safety. The governance of the law is not to protect the guilty, it is to ensure the safety of law abiding citizens, period. The expanded use of illicit drugs will only lead us down a path similar to the opium culture of China in the early 20th Century.

Advancing the drug culture does not facilitate the needs of a fully functioning society. Like all vices, the more you relax the laws to accommodates peoples own lack of discipline, the more our society sinks into a hole of dependency. We would be wise to remember a line from a famous children's story - “If you give a mouse a cookie, he's going to ask for a glass of milk.” The current law decriminalizing marijuana gives the mouse the cookie, it is only a matter of time before he ask for a glass a milk. It might be too late then to take a stand for what we know is right.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Berkeley Wrap-up: A Tale of Two Stories

Berkeley Mayor Tom "Just Call Me Norman" Bates, sitting in front of the Marine Recruiters Office in Berkeley, with Code Pink. The beret looks "gorgeous!"

The situation in Berkeley seems to be “calming down” for now, but it is not over. The Berkeley City Council may have “backed down” and rescinded the original unwelcome letter, but they refused to apologize in any way for their actions. Moreover, several City Councilors continued to express their support for the anti-American group, Code Pink. In fact, the special parking permit that the City Council granted Code Stink is still valid. Code Pink has been camped out in front of the Marine recruiting station since October of 2007, and there are no plans on their part to leave anytime soon.

Move America Forward was extremely active during this latest City Council meeting to readdress the “Unwelcome Marines” letter. They organized a petition and write-in campaign, as well as arranged for a pro-American/Support the Troops presence in Berkeley the day of the rescind vote. They provided a final recap of the events, along with some photos, posted on their website:

Move America Forward Journal

Kudos to Move America Forward!

Code Pink also followed up the decision at Berkeley with an e-mail and web posting claiming victory:

Berkeley Update Dated 2/13/2008; VICTORY!

Or how about the statements by Code Pinks founder, Medea Benjamin, to the local media:

"Not quite, said Medea Benjamin, the 56-year-old co-founder of the anti-war group Code Pink that has led the charge here, organizing and energizing the growing crowd of protesters - and, in turn, their opponents - in front of the old City Hall where council meetings are held.

"The city council's action has been a great gift to the peace movement," Benjamin said of the recent decision to not only show the recruiters the door, but also to give Code Pink a permit for a prime parking spot in front of the Shattuck Avenue Marine recruitment center to pitch its daily protests. "Once this pro-war crowd goes away, we'll be left with an energized base and a tighter anti-war community. We'll be out tomorrow and every day in front of that recruiting station and we'll eventually shut it down no matter what the council does."

Benjamin is right. To some degree Code Pink can claim victory. The only thing that happen was the Berkeley City Council took back the letter…..that’s it! The Council never apologized, or revokes the “special” permits issued to Code Pink (at no cost), and most of the Councilors continue to express support for Code Pink actions.

Code Pink and the Berkeley City Council aren’t done. Code Pink also supports the eviction of the not only the Marine recruiters, but all military recruiters. Code Pink is actively working with the Berkeley City Council on a zoning ordinance banning military recruiters from Berkeley:

Zoning Petition

The ordinance is “modeled” after similar zoning initiatives meant to eliminate porn shops (except in Berkeley where gay and lesbian themed shops are encouraged) and non-living zones for child molesters. This action is far worse than the original “unwelcome letter.” To attempt to classify military recruiters in the same realm as perverts is disgusting.

Is this where we are going to let it end?

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Berkeley City Council Backs Down

KCRA TV Report Earlier in the day (prior to the vote)

The Berkeley City Council voted 7-2 to rescind their original “Marines are Intruders” letter. The Berkeley City Council listened to speakers until the wee hours of the morning before casting their votes. The reality is that the City Council made up their minds to rescind the letter before entering the chamber, and the “re-vote” was nothing more than to try and appease everyone.

SF Gate: Berkeley Rescinds Letter

The question now is whether the Berkeley City Council went far enough to make amends? Not at all! The council tried to explain that they were only making a statement against the war, and meant no disrespect to the Marines. The truth is that Berkeley is so used to supporting these kinds of measures, and having the rest of America dismiss them as harmless kooks, they thought they no one would notice the original vote…they were wrong. The apology is disingenuous and without remorse.

The Berkeley City Council only took steps to rescind the original letter. They did not recant their statements in support of Code Pink, nor did they revoke Code Pinks license to “abuse.” Last nights vote will only serve as a rally cry for the Code Pink fanatics. The core of Berkeley is anti-American, and it will only be a matter of time before they do, or say, something to belittle and insult their own country. But at the very least the response this time may make them think twice. This video is just a small reminder of who Code Pink really is:

The cowardice actions were not limited to the City Council Chambers. Outside demonstrators from both sides of the issued gathered. The anti-American protesters did their best to incite the situation, at one point resorting to the old standby of burning an American Flag:


Obviously these protesters were not concerned about the environment because besides releasing “poisonous fumes” into the air, they destroyed several innocent bicycles. How many more bikes must be sacrificed in the name of peace! I wonder if the protester that burned the flag realized that they have the right to do what they did because of the brave men and women of the US Military? Ironic...

Newsbusted: February 12, 2008

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Mac Attack: Now What?

Former Governor Mitt Romney official suspended his campaign, all put paving the way for Senator John McCain to be the next Republican presidential nominee. Romney’s announcement came on the day both appeared before the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), stating - “If I fight on in my campaign, all the way to the convention … I’d forestall the launch of a national campaign and, frankly, I’d be making it easier for Sen. Clinton or Obama to win,”

So there it is, and all eyes are now looking to the heart of the Republican Party, the Conservatives, to see what is in store next. The media, and for that matter the Democratic Party, would like nothing more than to rip the unity of the Republican Party apart. But now is not the time for petty squabbling and indecision, which would, as Romney stated, make it easier for Sen. Clinton and Obama to win in November.

The worse thing the Conservatives can do right now is to choose not to participate in the process. The second worse thing we can do is vote for Obama or Clinton, as some have suggested. In the words of President Reagan - "Republicans believe every day is 4th of July, but Democrats believe every day is April 15." That statement is truer today, than when Reagan first uttered it over 30 years ago. So how are we Conservatives going to respond?

Neither McCain nor Romney are perfect Conservatives, and some would argue that McCain is just as likely to lean to Left on some issues, than to the Right. So be it. A strong national defense, limited government, lower taxes – controlled spending, pro-family and life, tough border control …..these are part of the foundation that defines the modern American Conservative. We fail the Conservative movement if we pack up our toys and walk off the playground just because we don’t get our way. Is that what we did when Washington tried to pass the horrendous immigration reform of 2007? No, we made our voices heard….and they listened, including McCain. They may not have liked it, and some even refer to us as hateful, racist, and bigots. When anti-Conservatives lose on their ideas, they resort to name-calling.

It is important for the Conservatives to remain the conscience of the party, and we can do that by reminding McCain what Ronald Reagan stood for.

USA Today: Should Conservatives Back Mac

Berkeley Update: Showdown at the City Council

The Berkeley City Council will vote tonight (2/12/2008) on whether to rescind their original request asking the Marines to vacate the city. But this time there will be a group of protesters there in support of the Marines. I will be curious to see how tolerant the fine citizens of Berkeley are when the speech is counter to their beliefs.

Berkeley Protesters Clash

San Jose Mercury News

San Diego Union Tribune

It is typically of “peace activist” to resort to force, intimidation and in this case to using kids (the fine, upstanding skateboarders) to bully the counter protesters. As I reported last week, the police have been negligent in their lack of action, to the point that the only way they were going to “calm” the situation down was to use police in riot gear. The Berkeley Police allowed Code Pink, and other Anti-American protesters, to run amok during the early stages, and that only served to embolden them.

“Some people wonder all their lives if they've made a difference. The Marines don't have that problem.” - Ronald Reagan

Sunday, February 10, 2008

News for Dogs: Lithuania, Oompa-Loompas, and Eye Candy

What’s in a Name?

Well if you are Lithuania, a lot. Prime Minister Gediminas Kirkilas appointed a commission to look into changing the English version of the name to make it easier to pronounce

Lithuania: A Rose By Any Other Name.....

Maybe Lithuania could do what most American sports teams have done and get a corporate sponsor. There’s Gillette Stadium (NE Patriots), Coors Field (Colorado Rockies), AT & T Park (San Francisco Giants), why not do the same for Lithuania. How about Oreoland, or the Nation of Meineke, or something more simple like……..McDonald’s.

Life After Willy Wonka

A “small” crime spree has hit long-distance bus passengers in Sweden. It appears that a criminal syndicate has been packing dwarves into suitcases and telling them to emerge once inside the bus’ luggage compartment. There the dwarves rifle through the other suitcases and collected the booty.

Small Criminals Run Amok

There is not much I can say without offending small people, Swedish readers ( I have large following in Oslo), or suitcases. I will leave it to all of you to come up with the one-liners.

The Eyes Have It

A guest staying at a hotel in Tasmania received a very unusual room service delivery. The guest was handed a package that they discovered to their surprise contained a human eye.

I Have Your Champagne And Oeil Casse-Croûte

Is it bad form if you ask for your tip back?

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Berkeley Under Siege Update

DeMint Keeps Up the Pressure

Senator DeMint, along with some of his colleagues, has introduced legislation to cease certain earmarks slated for Berkeley. One such earmark is a school lunch program offered by an upscale restaurant, Chez Panisse. So much for peanut butter and jelly!

Senator DeMint’s office also released a video this week featuring “outtakes” from the Berkeley City Council Meeting where the original resolution was introduced:

Funny, I guess you can judge a book by its cover.

Local News Report

The back peddling continues as demonstrated during this news piece. The Berkeley City Council is expected to “discuss” this issue again at their next council meeting (scheduled for 2/12/2008). Somehow I suspect the audience in attendance that night may not be what the City Councilors, or for that matter the City of Berkeley, are normally use to.

The spineless Mayor of Berkeley, Tom Bates, now believes “they may have gone too far.” Gee, ya think!

And what about school employee Mark Coplan’s using children as “human shields” (referring to the school lunch program provided by local restaurant Chez Panissa) to place the blame for this mess away from the very people responsible, the Berkeley City Council! Chez Panisse is a private restaurant, which is very successful, that does not provide the school lunches for free. I am sure Chez Panissa does an wonderful job, but I question whether the amount of money spent on the program is the “best bang for the buck.”

San Francisco Gate Newspaper

This is a link to the photo log featuring the protesters “blocking” the entrance to the Berkeley Marine Recruiting Station:

San Francisco Gate: Photo Log

The protesters are in fact physically assaulting everyday citizens as the try to enter the building. And what was the police response? Nothing!

Romance 101: Pepe Le Pew and The Continental

Valentines Day is fast approaching, which will find many men rushing around at the last minute trying to find that perfect gift. Gifts are great, but what is missing is the romance. So in preparation for Valentines Day I am offering lessons in love from the masters themselves:

Click on the picture to view video

Disclaimer: Stalking “the love of your life” is discouraged, and before attempting any of the techniques demonstrated in either video, we suggested you check local laws to ensure that you do not end up spending Valentines Day in jail sharing candy with a guy named “Bubba.”

Ann Coulter's Non-CPAC Speech

After last years Edwards uproar, Ann Coulter was not invited to speak at CPAC 2008. Ms. Coulter did however speak down the hallway at the invitation of the Young American’s Foundation:

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Newsbusted: February 5, 2008

The Myth of Camelot: A Democratic Fairy Tale

Recently Senator Edward Kennedy and his niece Caroline Kennedy came out in support for Barack Obama in his run for the Presidency. Edward Kennedy described Obama as “ a man with extraordinary gifts of leadership and character,” claiming “I feel a change in the air.” But all I could think of, that with this endorsement, it was inevitable that we would hear about the return of Camelot.

The tale of King Arthur and the Kingdom of Camelot is a tale of morality. The story is about a just and noble king and the Knights of the Round Table, who united their people in common focus for the good of the “kingdom.” It is a story of valor, honor, and truth. But it is also a story that descends into greed, lust, disgrace and betrayal. And like the Kennedy Presidency, the ending to Camelot was tragic.

Barack Obama is no John F. Kennedy, but indeed Obama is his own man, and should not have to live up to an expectation that is a fallacy. The truth is that the Democratic Party of Senator Obama is not the same Democratic Party of John F. Kennedy. The only similarities between Obama and Kennedy is that both graduated from Harvard, were young when they ran for President, were visionary speakers, and had the ability to attract young voters. That is where the similarities end. John F. Kennedy had more in common with Ronald Reagan than with Obama, or for that matter, any modern Democrat.

The Democrats are obsessed with the Kennedy Presidency, and love to label their presidential hopefuls as the “next JFK.” Dukakis, Clinton, Kerry, and now Obama, have all been branded as the “heirs of Camelot.” Enough is enough! The Democratic Party needs to let go of something that never was, because no candidate can stand up to a fairy tale.

President Kennedy believed in a “muscular” foreign policy (“walk softly, carry a big stick”), a minimal tax burden on the people, and was pro-life. Senator Obama believes in a restricted role of the military, in a “Robin Hood" mentality when it comes to welfare programs (take from the rich (as defined by the Democrats), and give to the poor), and is most assuredly pro-abortion.

Kennedy served in the US Navy, and believed that the American Military was a tool to ensure not only our security, but to be used to stop the spread of tyranny. People remember that President Kennedy created the Peace Corp, but he also created the elite military unit known as the Special Forces (Green Berets). President Kennedy drew a line in the sand against communism, which was evident during the Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam, and his defiant speech at the Berlin Wall (which would serve as the foundation for Ronald Reagan’s speech 25 years later). President Kennedy believed that in the modern age, given the ability for our enemies to rapidly deploy their military anywhere in the world, that the Monroe Doctrine should be expanded to protect America’s interest, even beyond our own hemisphere. Given President Kennedy's history, how do you think he would have responded to the terrorist attacks on America?

Obama never served in the military, but worked as a community organizer and civil attorney after leaving Harvard. Obama served as an Illinois State Senator for 6 years prior to being elected to the US Senate in 2004. As a State Senator and US Senator Obama advocated for social issues such as welfare reform, increased childcare services for single-mothers, stricter mandates regarding criminal interrogations and the alleged use of racial profiling, and unrestricted access to abortions. Obama believes that the US Constitution is a “living document,” subject to alteration as the times change. Obama’s policies towards Iraq and Afghanistan, and his belief that we have lost our place in the world, are counter to a JFK mindset. In fact, Senator Obama and President Kennedy would most likely disagree on how to handle many of the issues facing America today.

Kennedy believed in social justice and equality. But Kennedy’s actions were erratic at best, due in great measure because he believed that you must first exhaust all Constitutional avenues before creating new policies and laws. President Kennedy did not believe that the Constitution was a “living, breathing document,” because Kennedy was a "strict constitutionalist." That fact is supported by the reality that no major civil rights legislation was offered by John Kennedy. As a senator he voted against the 1956 Civil Rights Act authored by the President Eisenhower. Kennedy was slow to react regarding the issue of Civil Rights because he feared the reaction from the Southern Democrats who supported segregation. He did federalize the National Guard in Mississippi to ensure order (since previous attempts to admit Blacks in Southern colleges resulted in violence), but stood by while Sheriff “Bull” Conner, of Birmingham, Alabama, used fire hoses and attack dogs against Civil Rights protesters in the Summer of 1963.

Obama’s legacy as a State Senator in Illinois, and to a lesser degree in the US Senate, is one of expanding laws and policies such as Affirmative Action and Abortion to match his own social contract; yet Senator Obama is on record as either abstaining or voting “present” on key votes related to possible tax increases, partial birth abortion, and the Iraq War. Hardly the actions of a "leader."

President Kennedy felt that we should help those in need, especially the handicap and elderly. His Welfare Amendment Bill of 1962 embodied his belief that we should help those in need by helping them to stand on their own:

“This measure embodies a new approach-stressing services in addition to support, rehabilitation instead of relief, and training for useful work instead of prolonged dependency.”

“Prolong dependency” is now the party policy of the Democrats, including Obama, and it has chained several generations to failure, depriving them of a sense of dignity that comes from ones own achievements. President Kennedy would not have approved of many of the policies Obama has supported over the years because they are built on the false premise that money can solve anything, and the human spirit can be appeased through bribes in the form of welfare programs.

John F. Kennedy was a political being, reluctant to buck his own party’s direction. And although John F. Kennedy was a good President, he is not considered by many to be one of our best Presidents. President Kennedy very seldom took up a cause that was controversial, and lacked the leadership quality demonstrated by President Lincoln and President Reagan. Much like Obama, whose absences and/or abstentions during key (but controversial) votes, shows a lack of leadership and character, regardless of what Ted Kennedy believes. Obama lacks the courage to be a person of substance, preferring more to being a blank canvas. He is charismatic, but his campaign is one of rhetoric only, and not of action.

The media needs to let go of the past and let Senator Obama be defined by who “he” is now, and not by a false comparison to President Kennedy. Senator Obama has more in common with the King of the Liberals, Edward Kennedy, than with Teddy’s brother. President Kennedy’s tragic death ensured his legacy in American history, but it is time to move beyond the kingdom that never was. Camelot was just a play and John F. Kennedy was no King Arthur.

“ Don’t let it be forgot, that once there was a spot, for one brief shining moment, that was known as Camelot.” - from the play Camelot.

Berkeley City Council Update: No Más

The e-mails and phone calls have been relentless, and members of the Berkeley City Council are starting to wane. The City Council of Berkeley, like most Liberals, lacks the commitment to finish what they started, due in large part because they suffer from SADS (Socialist Attention Deficit Syndrome). Liberals lack the attention span to stick with one cause, preferring to jump to whatever the “next great socialist craze” is.

Berkeley City Council Wavering

Councilwoman Dona Spring said the council should not be cowed by the volume of hate mail and threats. Typical, whenever someone opposes a Progressive (or Socialist, Liberal, Communist…or whatever new identifier they create) that person is ignorant, intolerant, or “insert the name of your cause here”-phobic. Now is the time to increase the heat. Continue sending e-mails and making phone calls, especially to Ms. Spring, so that each of these city councils regrets their support of this insulting resolution.

Berkeley Police Department: "We are trying to stay Neutral (!!???!!)"

As if the actions of the City Council weren’t bad enough, the Berkeley Police Department should be ashamed as well. In an effort to remain “neutral,” the Berkeley Police Department stood by while protester violated numerous laws during their “peaceful protest.”

A police department isn’t Switzerland, and has a duty to enforce the laws. These protesters where allowed to “violate” other peoples civil rights, to a point where violent confrontation was inevitable. Had these been pro-life protesters blocking the entrance to an abortion clinic, I doubt the police officers would have been instructed to remain neutral. It is unlikely that these officers took this course of action on their own. I am sure that the City Council instructed the Police Chief that his officers should take a “hands off approach” when dealing with the protesters. Maybe we can use the video footage from Berkeley for a new reality-based show called “When Liberals Attack!”

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Berkeley Update: Marines 1, Moonbats 0

Berkeley is starting to feel the heat of their actions. Both Code Pink's and the City of Berkeley's web sites crashed during the day due to the high-volume of traffic. I doubt that the millions of people accessing those pages are doing so in support of Code Pink and the City of Berkeley’s “noble efforts.”

Move America Forward has started a petition in support of the Marines under siege in Berkeley:

Move America Forward Petition

Senator DeMint, who is a true conservative, has been extremely encouraged over the outpouring of support he is receiving for his recommendation that federal funds destined for Berkeley be suspended:

The First Amendment gives the city of Berkeley the right to be idiotic, but from now on they should do it with their own money.

Michelle Malkin has been providing outstanding coverage of this outrage:

Michelle Malkin Webpage: Outrage Building

The Moonbat Prospective:

Lost in all of this is the fact that there are people supporting Code Pink/The City of Berkeley's efforts.

The Far-Left Conspiracy

Berkeley's First Amendment Rights (Read the Comments in Support of Berkeley)

Patriot Talk Show Host Melanie Morgan's Interview:

Peace and Justice Commission Petition:

Here is the originally posting of the petition presented to the Berkeley City Council

Copy of the Original Petition Supported by Berkeley

There were five main points made by the Peace and Justice Commission:

1. The US "has a history of launching illegal, immoral and unprovoked wars of
2. The Bush Administration launched the most recent of those wars in Iraq.
3. The Marine Corps is a tool used to "Prolong" the wars.
4. The wars are illegal and unconstitutional
5. Military recruiters are filthy liars who victimize the youth.

Berkeley Bans Marines: Update

Here are some updates regarding Berkeley's and Code Pinks attempt to drive the Marines out of "their" city:

A "Local" Spin on the Story

Local Spin: Its Part of the Right-wing Conspiracy!

What are the Locals saying?

Mayor to Marines: We will help you move.

Marines to Berkeley: We survied Iwo Jima, I think we handle a few hippies

Radio Personality Mark Williams Interview:

A Reminder Of What The Marines Stand For:

Newsbusted: February 1, 2008